Travelers, do you have plans to travel to Taipei? Besides preparing cameras and gadgets to capture your precious time there, make sure you are also prepared for the pretty hot…
July 29, 2018
English ChannelLifestyleTaiwanWorldwide
Exclusive : Travelers, Lets Get Closer to Taipei Tourism
by Admin July 29, 2018Taipei is currently the capital and the largest city in Taiwan. Lots of industrial and service companies including electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, metals, shipbuilding, and motorcycles that place its…
English ChannelLifestyleUAEWorldwide
Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Dubai by Number
by Admin July 29, 2018As one of the world’s top tourist destinations, Dubai offers something for everyone. Whether it’s marvelling at the city’s futuristic architecture, exploring its artistic neighbourhoods, or enjoying a gastronomic journey…
Dubai saat ini sudah mulai tampil sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata utama di dunia. Tentunya Dubai menawarkan pengalaman yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang. Baik itu mengagumi arsitektur kota yang…
Peringati Hari Anak Nasional, Central Park dan Neo Soho Mall Selenggarakan ‘Children’s Day Out’
by Admin July 29, 2018Hari Anak Nasional pada tanggal 23 Juli ini sudah diperingati selama puluhan tahun di Indonesia sebagai wujud kepedulian serta partisipasi masyarakat Indonesia terhadap penghormatan, penghargaan, serta jaminan terhadap hak-hak anak…