As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and continued government travel and health restrictions, Rocky Mountaineer will extend the suspension of its 2020 travel season. The rail operator will now…
CanadaChinaEnglish ChannelWorldwide
Covid-19 Grounds Charter Flights from China to Canada
by Admin June 20, 2020As Nova Scotia prepares to reopen to visitors from across Canada, it won’t be receiving tourists from China as soon as expected. In December, Premier Stephen McNeil announced two charter…
CanadaEnglish ChannelWorldwide
Canada to Promote Holidays at Home Because of Covid-19 Border Closures
by Admin May 31, 2020Canada will invest C$30 million (US$21.8 million) to enable its provinces and territories to promote holidays in their ‘own back yard’ because of the closure of the country’s borders due…
CanadaEnglandEnglish ChannelLifestyleWorldwide
WestJet to Launch Manchester-Halifax Connections in June
by Admin January 18, 2020Manchester Airport has revealed its quickest ever transatlantic route will launch later this year. Direct flights to Halifax in Canada will start in June with WestJet, which will start operating…
CanadaEnglish ChannelLifestyleWorldwide
The Greatest Passports of the Decade: The Rise of the Freedom Seekers
by Admin December 29, 2019This past decade, we have witnessed the rise of many new trends and the unfortunate fall of past triumphs. But when it comes to the world of global mobility— the…
CanadaEnglish ChannelLifestyleWorldwide
EVA Air Market Data: Leisure, Business & Study are The Top 3 Reason to Visit Canada
by Admin November 16, 2019Canada is become one of the top destination covered by EVA Air. More and more travelers from Indonesia book their ticket to either Vancouver or Toronto for exploring Canada. Here…
EVA Air Turut Dukung Promosikan Destinasi Wisata Kanada
by Admin November 11, 2019EVA Air, maskapai penerbangan bintang 5 versi Skytrax selama empat tahun berturut-turut memang selalu berkomitmen untuk mengedepankan kenyamanan dan kemudahan bagi para pelanggan setianya. Bentuk kenyamanan bisa terlihat dari dua…
Rekomendasi Hotel untuk Liburan Terbaik di Kanada
by Admin November 7, 2019Traveling ke suatu tempat pasti tidak lepas dari kebutuhan akomodasi terutama hotel. Bahkan hotel dengan lokasi terbaik akan menambah keseruan selama traveling itu sendiri. Terlebih jika Anda travelers berlibur ke…
Dingin, mungkin kata itu yang selalu terlintas di benak banyak orang ketika mendengar nama Kanada. Tidak salah memang, namun Kanada bukan cuma soal negara bercuaca dingin, masih banyak lagi yang…