Malaysia will work closely with Indonesia to revitalise both countries’ tourism industry that was adversely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, said Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister, Dato Sri Nancy Shukri.
She continued, both countries will also be working with other ASEAN member countries as well as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), and the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) to revive the tourism industry in the region.
“For instance, we are working towards formulating ASEAN wide-ranging SOPs (standard operating procedures) to facilitate travellers without neglecting essential aspects of health and safety of front liners, tourists and tourism employees.
It is through effective communication and the implementation of a systematic and effective ASEAN Tourism Marketing and Promotional Plan through strategic collaboration with industry players and other stakeholders,” she said.
She said this during a Facebook live session with Indonesia’s Deputy Minister for Marketing, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya hosted by Travel Industry Network Media to discuss on ‘Regional Tourism Collaborative Opportunities post-Covid-19’.
Nancy said when the situation is safe for international travel, both neighbouring countries will team up closely to facilitate movement of tourists at their respective entry points.
“Nevertheless, let us all focus on battling this pandemic and hope the situation will improve so that we can open our borders in the immediate future,” she added.