Home WorldwideEngland PATA Takes on First UK Public Relations Company

PATA Takes on First UK Public Relations Company

written by Admin January 18, 2020
PATA Takes on First UK Public Relations Company

The Pacific Asia Travel Association has appointed dePaRture Travel & Lifestyle Marketing as its corporate communications and public relations company in the UK. The organisation will be responsible for the representation of the organisation from this month.

dePaRture thus becomes the first PR company to be hired in the chapter’s 50-year history. Working to promote the responsible development of travel and tourism in the Pacific Asia region, non-profit travel trade organisation PATA is the one-stop-shop for its 5,000+ members providing sales support, latest news, updates, training and events.

The organisation’s community actively connects agents and operators with a wide range of suppliers to boost interest, knowledge and sales to the region.

Chris Crampton, chairman, PATA UK & Ireland, said: “We are thrilled to be working with dePaRture Travel & Lifestyle who share our vision and values as an organisation.

“Our goal is to raise awareness of the services and support we provide and elevate PATA as a trusted voice of authority on all tourism matters in the Pacific Asia region.”

dePaRture Travel & Lifestyle’s duties include implementing a brand-new PR strategy to increase awareness of the organisation and its role in the industry, positioning it as the trusted source of information for Pacific Asia region and introducing exciting new activities to further engage the travel trade media

Joanna Cooke, founder of dePaRture, added: “We are honoured to be representing PATA UK & Ireland and look forward to working with the board, and its members, to raise awareness of the fantastic work and contributions the organisation makes to the travel and tourism industry.

“Our team are passionate about the Pacific Asia region, with a background in tourism board, airline, hotel and tour operator sectors, so we’re excited about the range of PR opportunities working with PATA brings.”

(Source: BreakingTravelNews.com)

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